Business Services
Many small and medium-sized business owners are overwhelmed with the day to day operations of their business and have very little free time to handle non-revenue generating items. They often have one or two in-house employees that help with Human Resources and Bookkeeping and although these administrative employees do the best they can, there is usually no way for them to keep up with changing regulations or advise on employment law issues. Because we have advised business owners for the last 23 years, our services are designed to help enhance our client’s businesses, while coaching their administrative staff on the things they don’t know they need to be doing too. At Hershenberg Stone-Walsh Insurance services we specialize in helping businesses in 4 specific areas:
Click on the links below to learn more about how we help our clients with the following:
- Attract and retain quality employees through employee benefit programs
- Key employee “Golden Handcuff” Plans (AKA Executive Benefit Plans)
- Coordinate with your other advisors
Protect the business for unforeseen circumstances
- Use Life and Disability Insurance to protect the business and the owner’s family
- Workers Compensation Insurance
- General Liability Insurance
Comply with federal and state employment law
- Human Resources support
Hershenberg & Stone-Walsh Insurance Services, LLC
2131 East Broadway
Suite 29
Tempe, AZ 85282
Office: (480) 526-9124
Fax: 602-218-4461