Short Term Medical Insurance Plans in Phoenix, Arizona

Have you ever been in between jobs? Were you ever questioning going without health insurance, purchasing a COBRA plan if it was available, or were ever wondering what your options might be? This isn’t an uncommon problem and the right choice isn’t always available when you need it. That is exactly why Short-Term Plans are extremely beneficial.


There are different situations where you may find a Short-Term plan is appropriate:  If you are outside of annual open enrollment and are not experiencing a qualifying event, you may want to consider a Short-Term Medical plan to ensure you have coverage against a catastrophic health event.  Even during the annual open enrollment, you may find the cost of the ACA plan options are out of your budget.  Short-Term plan options now include features that make these plans more functional for a “longer” term.


Advantages of a Short-Term Medical Plan:

  • Lower Premium
  • Enroll any time of the year
  • PPO provider network
  • Immediate coverage



Carefully consider the following when choosing a Short-Term plan:

  • Answers to medical questions are used to determine your qualification to enroll
  • No Prescription coverage
  • No pre-existing conditions are covered


These plans are geared toward people who need temporary medical insurance to bridge the gap between longer-term plans. At Hershenberg & Stone Walsh Insurance Services we feel you should consider Short Term if you’re:

  • Between jobs
  • Waiting for other coverage to begin
  • Waiting to be eligible for Medicare coverage
  • Without health insurance or outside of the Open Enrollment Period

In addition to you, spouses and dependents can be covered under a Short-Term Insurance Plan. However, because Short Term is medically underwritten, all family members will need to meet the medical requirements of the plan.


Coverage on a Short-Term Health Insurance plan can begin as soon as the day after your application is received, so it is extremely beneficial for those that need insurance immediately.


What our clients are saying:

With our family, we recently had a job change and needed to have some sort of insurance coverage for the three of us and we were outside of the open enrollment period. Thank you to Cheryl Bujold of Hershenberg & Stone-Walsh Insurance Services for providing us with all the knowledge we needed to understand what would be the best insurance for our family. We noticed there were a lot of choices when it came to short term plans and Cheryl was on top of providing us with the knowledge we needed to make the best decision. We highly recommend Hershenberg & Stone-Walsh Insurance Services because they take the time needed to make us feel comfortable is what is right for our family now. – Ken S.